Rencontre débat sur l’art sociologique, Galerie Remont
Collectif d’art sociologique, Art as Activity in the Context of Reality, International conference at Remont Gallery, Warsaw.
In July 1977, the Sociological Art Collective participated in a seven-day conference entitled Art as Activity in the Context of Reality that gathered artists and critics from thirty-five countries at the Galeria Remont in Warsaw. Invited by Polish artist Jan Świdziński who had forged the concept of Contextualism and published a manifesto called “Art as Contexual Art” a year before, and spent time at the Interrogative Sociological School in Paris, Fischer and Forest presented the Collective’s activities to an international audience of like-minded artists and critics. The conference ended with the signature of a formal agreement to cooperate and perform joint actions by the Polish Contextual Group, the Sociological Art Collective and representatives of the so-called Arte de Sistemas Latin-American movement founded by Jorge Glusberg in Buenos-Aires, Argentina.